About Rwanda


Discover an area in Kigali for world-class universities and think tanks to mingle with technology companies, helping drive private sector growth.


Rwanda is an ideal tech incubator, thanks to its compact size and appetite for innovation.

We welcome pioneering initiatives such as that by Silicon Valley company Zipline, which now delivers critical blood products to rural medical clinics across our mountainous lands.


Volkswagen, The German carmaker has just opened an assembly plant in Rwanda, which will create up to 1,000 jobs.

In a new chapter of economic transformation, VW is also spearheading community car sharing and ride-hailing by smartphone.

A major Achievement

Rwanda is the first African country to manufacture smartphones in Africa, through her partnership with mara company Rwanda has manufactured the maraphone, with materials 100% sourced and fabricated in rwanda.

Care to learn more about rwanda?

A Brief History of Rwanda

Rwanda was created in 1954, it is located in east Africa, it is made up of two major ethnic groups, the tutsi and the houthi....


Rwanda is pioneering renewable technologies, with a methane gas plant on Lake Kivu suppling 14% of our energy requirements, and a growing solar sector.


Rwanda is the biggest rearer of livestock and food produce. Designated serviced land is provided for small and large scale industrial Agriculture, as well as reliable, quality infrastructure, competitive fiscal and non-fiscal regulations and streamlined administration procedures.